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Thursday, September 3, 2015


  Lets get this one thing CLEAR, Racism is Ignorance.  Plain and simple. Now is when I'm going to offend some people. People of color are raciest. Not all but more and more each day. Racism is not just a white thing. Its a hate thing. I have listened to many people spout off how people of color are discriminated against and repressed. I ask WHERE? Oh you mean the ones that are looting, robbing, killing cops, and stealing? you mean those people. Well I dont care what you color is. if you do any of the following you will have to pay for your actions. Just because its a white man is in the uniform does not mean hes racist. when he stops someone from committing a crime hes doing what we want and NEED him to do. Regardless of color. If you are a person of color and you say things like, He did that because Im black. Hes got that because hes white. I cant have that because Im black. Well guess what, YOUR A RACIST.  Just because you have a color does not mean your not entitled to anything. BTW just because your white your not entitled to anything either. Bottom line folks. You want something get off your ass and earn it like most productive AMERICAN citizens.
  Now some of you thing Im just spouting off here with no clue or understanding. Once again let me set the record straight. I was raised in Atlanta, GA. went to public schools where people of color were prominent. The ratio was something like 85/15. I went to Bass high school where I was only 1 of 6 white people in the entire school. I WAS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.  By Teachers, Staff, and Students. So bad that I ended in the hospital because of it. Not has one single person heard me scream and yell Black people owe me ANYTHING. No. why? Because they dont. Those people were Ignorant and stupid. I have people of color I consider family. Closer to me than you can Imagine. Bottom line. If you want something earn it. Quit your whining about slavery and poverty. I know of not one single slave in 3 generations. Also. are you poor. Get a job, work hard and get better. You know like the rest of us do. And last but not least...... QUIT HATING AND BLAMING PEOPLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS.
  I heard on the radio today about some Leader from a Black group saying, " Its time for all black people to come together and kill all white people. Kill any and all cops and take this country for black folks". I say this is a prime example of someone being stupid and trying break apart a country that has grown as a diverse and equal place for all. So Mr. Leader of the hate group. Come see me. I will be glad to have a discussion with you. If you come to hurt me or my friends and family, you better to be prepared to answer to god for your actions, Because I will be happy to help Introduce you to him.
 One last thing. I do Hate. I hate people who hate for no other reason then the color of your skin. I use the term " People of color" because there is never a single term agreed upon for " Black" people. Every time I try to be PC I get corrected. This way I cant offend someone just because of color.
 Now everyone you must excuse me, I need to dust off the 2nd amendment and clean my AR-15.