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Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Future

 Well everyone, I'm just like the rest of you. I cant tell you the future or rub a crystal ball and let you know your true love. BUT... If todays Youth and the way things are running is any indication of how things are to come, WE ARE ALL IN TROUBLE! For goodness sake we are calling A MAN for dressing in a dress a Hero and the men and women fighting for the right of the wierdo  to wear that dress is ignored. The child in the store is allowed to act up and destroy what people have spent time and money on simply because we don't want to hurt the little Bastards feelings and get the law called for giving him/her the ass whoopin they desperately need. Why are we even wasting time debating weather a man can go into the ladys room or vice versa. If your hanging between the legs you belong where you stand to pee. And If this father and Husband see's you in the bathroom with my ladys, be prepared to catch a beating for VIOLATING my family's privacy you Pervert. Look, I'm not against being different. If your gay, straight, yellow, black, blue or green. Have long hair, short hair, bald. fat, skinny, tall, or short. it is how you are, BUT if you try and FORCE your personal beliefs on another YOU ARE WRONG. 
 BAD CHILDREN.... if your kids are acting up and disrespecting you and others, Reign that in. Use Discipline. when your children are allowed to act out and do as they wish, they will grow into adults who feel the same. So Do SOMETHING. I promise you this if one of my children disrespected an adult, I will be like a monkey on a banana and get them right.
 Work ethic...... What ever happened to work your ass off and EARN a living and earn your way. Today people have a sense of entitlement. today people believe the world revolves around them and they should be praised for doing less than adequate work. Also people believe that they should not be held accountable for their actions. REALLY ???  Here it is people. if you do it, then you deserve what comes of it. Good or bad.  now not everyone is like stated above. the ones who do achieve and earn themselves a good place, are always on the look out for the rest looking to sue, rob, or steal their hard earnings.
 In the end.... My question is this. What is wrong with old fashioned values. Look back and see. Just because its older values does not mean its wrong or outdated. old fashioned Values built a country I'm proud of. So look out for the future. I can only hope and Pray the ones of us that are doing right and teaching our children values will overcome and win the future.  Now if you can excuse me I need to get a soda pop and watch Andy Griffith and Leave it To Beaver.