Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


 Ok everyone. I believe its time for a new way of thinking. I believe we need to start saying WTF more often. For those of you that don't know what that means WTF= What The Fuck. A term used to describe dumb, stupid or otherwise just messed up things. Things like People complaining about a President who is actually following through on his campaign Promises, People who bitch and moan because the police are stand offish, but complain each and every time they do their jobs. Or the Idiots who don't know the difference between protesting and rioting. How about the ones who complain about terrorist killing people but say lest give them a hug.
 I say WTF. I'm so sick of hearing everyone Bitch and moan about each and every little thing but are not willing to do anything about it. If your hungry, work, earn , and make a sandwich. Need to pay your bills or smoke and drink beer. well PAY YOUR BILLS. don't like the way our country is run, show up at the polls and vote. make your voice heard. and if you don't win then be a person who says " the will of the people has spoken." then campaign against them next go around.
 WTF. our Veterans who fought, died, and suffered selfishly for all of us to have the very freedoms you bitch about, Deserve Respect and our undying devotion to their well being until the end. Not health care bills, long lines at the VA. and just over all bad treatment. they earned their benefits. GIVE IT TOO THEM !!!
 WTF. The bad way we treat our law enforcement. these people are the back bone of our society. they fight to keep order a safety each and every day. So if you break the law, strike out against the men and women in blue, you deserve to have your ass handed to you.
Lastly WTF is wrong with society now days. Just general respect for each other. Men held doors for lady's, we helped each other for no other reason but to be neighborly. Parents were parents not friends of their kids. the Elderly were treated with reverence and respect. WTF
 So I end with this. We are not gone yet. we as a collective can change things for the better, but it just takes a few of us to help TEACH the values quickly slipping away. Now if you will excuse me, I need to help push a car out of the road for a stranger, get a cat out of a tree, and load some groceries for an elderly couple in the handicap lane. Have a great and Respectful day.

Monday, January 23, 2017

The New President

 Lets get this straight. some people are saying Donald Trump is not their president? Why? Do you live in another country? Have you decided to act like illegals in this country and run to another country?
 Let just quit whining like a bunch of babies being weened off the tit, and just accept the fact that Donald Trump IS the 45th President of the United States of America. Im not going to say he is our beacon of light, but bottom line Im going to give him the reasonable doubt until he gives me reason not too. HE HAS THE JOB people. cant change that.
 We as a people need to ban together as a country and work on getting this country back on track. I can care less what side of the isle your on. I can care less what your color, religion, or background are. If you have a legal right to be here then your AMERICAN. And as Americans we need to stop the bull.
 Need to give our new President the chance he now has , ( wether you like it or not). And FYI If you advocate violence, Hurt another person or their property, you deserve to have your clocked cleaned by the men in blue. Even if you call it protesting. Dont infringe on mine and others rights to express yours. Its not protesting, its Looting and Rioting. And as such you are subject to an ass whoopin by a man in uniform or a REAL American thats just tired of your bull shit. . and by the way the color of the man in the uniform dont matter. its the uniform you better respect. they earned it.
 One last thought. We all know the media is ALWAYS biased one way or the other. make your own decision based in the facts, Not someone else's reality. Now if you can excuse me, I have an " IM an American Rally amd damn proud of it" to go too. We plan on beating the asses of anyone we see burning or stepping on old Glory. to join all you have to do is have pride in your country and what it stands for. and discussed for all the idiots who trample on every man and woman who fought for the freedoms we enjoy.

Clifford Dean
( AKA Proud American )