Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bathroom Privileges

...We all call it by another name. Water closet, Lieu, Restroom, The Throne Room, or Bathroom among some. I would like to call it hell. Why? Well we all have the need to use the facilities on a regular basis, but the women and Business believe they have the monopoly on them. We'll explore the women's side of things first. I have the privilege to have a home where the boy girl ratio is split. Now you would figure that the time in the bathroom would be split. You would be wrong. If the bathrooms are occupied and the both the male and females were waiting the female would win with the comment, "you go find a tree somewhere." Is that fair. I say just because we undo less clothing to go don't mean we are the dogs looking for the closest hydrant. Also, getting ready in the mornings. You would figure since the men take less time in the bathroom they go first. once again you would be wrong. The truth is I would be putting my pants on while running down the hall heading toward the door. This might sound funny unless its your head hitting the floor because you made a miss step.-- Now with the businesses. Most restaurants let you use the restrooms even if you are not eating there. But there are those that say if your not eating here you cant enter. So I say when this happens Urinate on yourself in the middle of the place and then they wont say no next time. Of course this is after you pay the city a fine and bail out of jail. Gas stations. What the hell is wrong with just handing you a key or leaving it open. They give you a key connected to a 2 x 4 or some contraption. I say get the key and return it connected to a logging chain about 6' long with a used tire at the end. Think they will find it then. In closing. The bathroom in all its glory is just a place to drop trowl and take care of some of life's business. Oh got to go home alone and the bathroom is clear. with no Visitors.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Utility Companys

...We all need essentials to live. Water, Electric, Etc.. Right? Right. The one question I have is this. Do we have any say so in who provides these services? The short answer is an astounding, NO! We all are at the mercy of what ever they want to charge and do. Let me give you a true example. There is a water company in Zwolle, Louisanna that charges for services you cant always use. Thats right you cant always use the water. You cant drink it unless you put all kinds of filters on it at home, but they also turn off or down the flow of water at will. They do this to such a point that you cant even shower. Now if thats not bad enough. They go on the radio and come a short breath away from threatning you if you leave your water dripping in sub freezing conditions to stop from pipes freezing. Now heres what I say about this. Can the people from Louisanna switch to another water company. NO. Can they complain to someone. Not really.--- Now on with the electric companys. I have seen bills from diffrent places. All of them over charge you. Charge you for thing that make you scratch your head on. I even seen one company charge an electric waste charge. What the hell is that! Can you change companys because your unsatisfied. No. Your stuck and they know it. So I say this. Send me your companys name and trumped up charges and I will put it out there without your name being attached. Maybe we all together can put an end to being raped by all the Utility companys. A little in your face shame. Or at least let the Poop hit the fan.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


...To all the working folks out there, this will interest you. I can show you that the government and all those other Idiots that have something to do with your paycheck get most of it and don't have anything to do with earning it. OK, OK, I know we all have issues with taxes but this one really burns my ass. ... A person earns a paycheck. They have to pay F.I.C.A., Social Security, State Tax, as well as a few other add ons. So after you pay all that out. You have to feed your family. So you go to the store and buy only what you can afford. Then you get taxed as much as 12% on the dollar. You then put what little you have left into the bank (assuming you can do that now days). You than go home and pay your bills (Maybe). You pay Taxes on the services you get. Water, Gas, Electric, TV, Phone, and Internet. When your all done, the majority of the country has no money or goes into debt. How is this the American Dream. So it breaks down like this. Taxes on the money earned roughly 20% to 55%. Then up to 12% on food and essentials. Then a total of 20% in utilities. All this don't include property taxes, gas, and bank fees. So (low end)25% + 12% + 20% = 57% if your one of the lucky guys. If your a hard working person who earns $10.00 hr. In truth you only get $4.30 per hour. No wonder the hard working people of this great country cant get ahead. Oh try and not pay the taxes. you will end up in jail or paying more than Tony Soprano will charge in interest. I wish we could sink a few ships and have our own tea party to get someone to listen.