Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas...... Yes I said Christ-mas. The problem today is everyone is so damn worried about being PC ( Politically Correct ). that know one knows what PC is. It is wrong for one person or entity to make someone else feel bad about their Religion, Race, Size, Origin, Etc. So when you take a fundamental tone of our Great Country and change it you have now Alienated Everyone. So bottom line. Say Merry Christmas. In schools or in  your work place. Have a great time remembering why we are having Christmas to begin with. Enjoy your familes and friends. Kiss and hug the ones dear to you. Eat, Laugh, Nap, Tear the paper, and above all else say thank you to the people doing all the cooking. Without them we would be having toast and Cereal. Merry Christmas Everyone.... oops got to go the pies are done and I want a big piece and the recliner is calling my name.

Friday, December 19, 2014

I'm here and not going anywhere

Well After talking to a few close friends, Ive decided to continue with the blog. So here I am. And heres what ive got to say. If you take the time to read a few of my past post you will know how I feel about things. I believe being straight forward and blunt is better than the sweet necter of bull shit. Then you make of it what you wish. I'll make a few statements so hang on. 1. I dont believe in color. I believe in actions. 2. Stupid is stupid no matter how you dress it. So when I call it stupid I'm not alone. 3. Right is right, wrong is wrong. That will never change. 4. I believe in our constitution. ALL OF IT. Not the ones I pick and choose. 5. Spanking is not beating. its behavior correcting. Children need to remember the lesson and mistake. If you Beat your child you deserve one yourself. 6. I believe in the GOD and his son. If that offends you, go away. (Last but not least) 7. I believe in the American way. Live, love and be happy how ever you can make it. Just dont hurt or steal to do it. Now that the new members know me and the others whos been here awhile you know where I am. Last thing. Dont live life without humor, its just not funny... Have a great Weekend.