Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Thursday, December 30, 2010


well lets get ready to ring in the new year right. Lets tell the truth about the subject of racism. I'm going to put it out there like this. Nigger, Spick, Kike, Cracker, White Bread, Gook. and Slant Eye. These are all words we know as bad. The people of color believe they are the ones being persecuted. The truth is its the farthest from the truth. An adult White Male is now the minority. That's the truth. Here's Proof.--- If I was to start the UNITED WHITE PEOPLE FUND. I would be labeled a raciest. There is a NAACP and the UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND. Are these considered to be in the same group as the KKK or the Skin Heads? Of course not. Here is another case in point. In Atlanta, Ga. there was two young men applying for a college scholarship. You guessed it one of color one white. The white Young man believing in the system and rights of everyone applied with his best friend for the same scholarship with the UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND. Guess who got it? That's right the one of color. I know what your saying. The colored young man had better grades and a better resume. Not the truth. The truth is they were both almost identical except the white young man had a better GPA. That's right a better GPA.------ So here's what I believe. I Think we should disband all single race based groups. Make it illegal if possible. Then do all we can to change the minds of every individual. If not flog them regardless of color. I have much more to say on this but I would like to leave it open for you to comment on. So what do you say?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Roll Models

OK everyone. Christmas is over and now back to the real TRUTH. What ever happened to real Role Models? Today I see the people that are on TV, in the media, or in politics, that are not only real screw ups but are given status because of it. Case in point. Reality shows like Survivor. I had the chance to talk with Na Onka. What a piece of work. She steals, lies, and has great attitude, but believes its all OK. The sad part is others follow along because she had the great misfortune of being on TV. Don't get me wrong. I like the show and many others like it; but there must be some judge in character on our part as people to not give someone like this status. In our conversation this evening she was fouled mouth and just plain showing where she is from.--- Now let stop here to say, this is not about race( thats another day ),but Na Onka you should be ashamed of yourself. If I was a parent or school board member where you teach. I would use the famous words of Donald Trump, " YOUR FIRED". People, lets teach our children that "respect for those around you also shows respect for yourself". Have a great day!

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Well folks another Christmas is almost over. I can say I have had one of the best ever. I did not receive a single present under the tree. I did how ever see my children and wife smile and enjoy themselves. I had received the love of my in-laws in a fantastic dinner. I even heard wonderful news about the lady who's house was broken into and the toys stolen. The friends and neighbors came through without fail. A true Christmas story. I have heard and seen some wonderful things that people have done for each other the days leading up to and including today. I'm glad the Christmas spirit is not lost in past generations, but continue on today. Even though this blog is about stating it like it is and speaking out. Today I want to end it this way. Take the good feelings that you felt today and pass them on to those less fortunate and those that need a smile. Don't let the Spirit that gave us this good feeling die today. Instead carry just a piece of it through to next year. Thank you all for being good people. Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Idiots

Well, as I said before. People should help each more this time of year; but instead the knuckle heads stand out and show just how bad we all have become. Case in point, I know of a single mom who works her ass off to provide for her little girl. Forget the fact that the little girls dad is a total douche bag. Mom saved and sacrificed all year to provide a nice Christmas for her little girl. Then just before christmas some low life, scum sucker, breaks in and steals all the preasents. To make it worse, they destroyed the place. But if you think this is the end of it your wrong. When the police were dispatched they did nothing even though they believed they knew who did it. I dont know about you. But, dont that make the police an accomplice to the crime. I dont believe that all police are corrupt or bad. But in this instance saying there lazy is letting them off easy. As for the Grinch who stole christmas. I say grab him in the middle of the night and beat him, put him in chains, and make him work off the debt with a whip at a dollar per day. Asking forgivness every hour. People! WE need to take charge of our surroundings and make this a wonderful holiday. Stop being a wonderer and start being a helper, friend, or the light at the end of someones tunnel. Merry Christmas And rember we are responsable for bringing happiness.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Holidays

Here we all are. Mistle toe, Stockings, Lights, Christmas Trees, and of course the Presents. This time of year everyone should be just a bit nicer to each other. Holding the elevator door, opening the door for another at the local Wal-Mart, putting change into the red buckets for the bell ringers. But I have come to realize the eroding niceness that's supposed to be there. Some In-laws use this time of year to needle their children's significant others. Also when the family is split one ex is aginst the other putting the unfortunate child in the middle of adult problems. Even people shooting in front of each other on the highway instead of letting them go because they need to get that last min. preasent they will take 5 years to pay off on credit cards. LETS PUT AN END TO IT!!! Pick a moment in your day you are just nice to someone. Take that extra second and smile as you pass or drive by. Let someone in front of you in line. Or just look at someone you dont know and say MERRY CHRISTMAS. You never know. This just might spread and instead of it being nice today, your neighbor you never met will be nice all year round. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Whats Right

Whats wrong in the world today. I'll tell you. Celebs or people lucky enough to be standing in the right place right time. If you are one of these people you should thank your lucky stars. Case in point. One celeb showed up yesterday to greet kids and hand out autographs. The sponsors were rude and very mean toward the small crowd as well as the person in question showed up high as a kite and hours late. He was as kind as he could be and a seeming nice person, but my children did not need to see this icon that way. Bottom line... If you put yourself out there and earn a dollar because of the fans. Treat them with respect and dignity. For they are doing so to you.