Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Thursday, December 30, 2010


well lets get ready to ring in the new year right. Lets tell the truth about the subject of racism. I'm going to put it out there like this. Nigger, Spick, Kike, Cracker, White Bread, Gook. and Slant Eye. These are all words we know as bad. The people of color believe they are the ones being persecuted. The truth is its the farthest from the truth. An adult White Male is now the minority. That's the truth. Here's Proof.--- If I was to start the UNITED WHITE PEOPLE FUND. I would be labeled a raciest. There is a NAACP and the UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND. Are these considered to be in the same group as the KKK or the Skin Heads? Of course not. Here is another case in point. In Atlanta, Ga. there was two young men applying for a college scholarship. You guessed it one of color one white. The white Young man believing in the system and rights of everyone applied with his best friend for the same scholarship with the UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND. Guess who got it? That's right the one of color. I know what your saying. The colored young man had better grades and a better resume. Not the truth. The truth is they were both almost identical except the white young man had a better GPA. That's right a better GPA.------ So here's what I believe. I Think we should disband all single race based groups. Make it illegal if possible. Then do all we can to change the minds of every individual. If not flog them regardless of color. I have much more to say on this but I would like to leave it open for you to comment on. So what do you say?

1 comment:

  1. Also if the white people were not the minority we would not have to press 1 for english. Speak the language or go back to your country where you can be understood.

    --Deanna Dean
