Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Real State Of the Union

   WoW, was I the only one to watch the President and say " REALLY? ". I was listening and hopeful for some real talk and some real answers for some of the Idiocy going on here lately. This President said we are BETTER then where we were before. Well lets tell the truth. Obama Care.... This Insurance joke was ment to help the regular Family with the high cost of insurance. I see the intent. Was not a bad Idea. But instead it threw out insurance from the people that had it. It also made it hard and too expensive to get for those that already had insurance. He kept talking about those he helped... why don't he look at the masses he messed over.
  Education... Really? He started the "Common Core" curriculum. The worst thing ever. Has any parent even looked at this. The Math don't add up and the way the world runs is not how the student learns. Now he did say one good thing.... May be another lie...... But he said he will make it so everyone can go to community college for free. If that comes to will be a miracle. But if it does come to be, it will be a good thing.
  The economy he said is strong. Well its getting better. Its getting better because of people like you and I working longer hours and making the same to keep up. WE ALL made the economy bounce back. Not the fat cat Millionaires in Washington who gets a better tax break then us. They take the money we all put in and hide theirs so we cant use it.
  In closing I'm not Bashing President Obama. I'm bashing each and every person who helps bad ideas hurt the Americans that make this country what it is.  If it was Mr. Monopoly man I would be saying the same thing. So AMERICA... keep up  the hard work and remember WE make our future and WE make this country strong. So Vote. and do it right. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Terrorist !!!

  Everyone screams, " GO GET THOSE BASTARDS " Each and every time someone attacks the US or our allies. Heres the rub, When we do, then everyone complains how its done. I believe if  you are going to attack innocent people and your only thought is to harm others, then I say all bets are off. Water boarding someone to get the info to stop hurting someone is ok. Blowing up the compound of some ass hole who wants to kill thousands of people is ok. I was asked, " Would you want to be tortured for information? " I said, " Im not going to attack, maim, or kill innocent people. " Say what you want. If you belong to groups Al-Qaida, Al-jihad, KKK, Skin Heads, Black Panthers, or any other kind of hate group intending to do harm, you deserve to get whats coming. A Beating, Torcher, Water Boarding, and any other Ball Busting Tactic to stop you. I say Spare the good hard working people of this world and get rid of the other Idiots. Oh just to make it clear. Its not about what country you come from, the color of your skin, or the god you pray too. Its about how you treat other people. Be good to your neighbor and each other. Got to go my turn at the Gun range. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015


  I Love this country, as many of you do. I believe in the American way. We work hard, Earn money and earn our way of life....... Now I see people ( not from America ) coming here and taking advantage of our way of life. Not having earned anything. They figure they can cross the boarder and set up shop, and do what they want. Then to top it all off they want to change how we do things. Lets be clear here. They came here from what they had because of what we have. Now they want to change the whole reason they are here.
  Now don't get me wrong. If an immigrant comes here and works, Pays Taxes and does as they should, I am the first person to stand in line and shake their hand and welcome them here. It is the American dream. Diversity is what makes America great. We all don't just go to Burger Joints. We go to Italian, Chinese, Turkish, Hungarian, and Mexican Restaurants. So we should embrace the other man who earns his way. Im also going on record as saying. If you are born here and sit on your ass and expect the taxpayers and Uncle Sam to take care of you. Your no different then they are. The people that's disabled and retired, that's a different issue. They do not fall under this ideal. The disabled cant help it and the Retired earned their time.
  In closing. As Americans, we live an idea that All PEOPLE are created equal and ALL people can earn a living and be prosperous. Just don't expect a hand out. Expect a hand up. People in General are inherently good. ( ive seen it ) just some lazy. No matter where you come from. Oh I got to go my burrito is here.