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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Terrorist !!!

  Everyone screams, " GO GET THOSE BASTARDS " Each and every time someone attacks the US or our allies. Heres the rub, When we do, then everyone complains how its done. I believe if  you are going to attack innocent people and your only thought is to harm others, then I say all bets are off. Water boarding someone to get the info to stop hurting someone is ok. Blowing up the compound of some ass hole who wants to kill thousands of people is ok. I was asked, " Would you want to be tortured for information? " I said, " Im not going to attack, maim, or kill innocent people. " Say what you want. If you belong to groups Al-Qaida, Al-jihad, KKK, Skin Heads, Black Panthers, or any other kind of hate group intending to do harm, you deserve to get whats coming. A Beating, Torcher, Water Boarding, and any other Ball Busting Tactic to stop you. I say Spare the good hard working people of this world and get rid of the other Idiots. Oh just to make it clear. Its not about what country you come from, the color of your skin, or the god you pray too. Its about how you treat other people. Be good to your neighbor and each other. Got to go my turn at the Gun range. 

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