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Thursday, January 8, 2015


  I Love this country, as many of you do. I believe in the American way. We work hard, Earn money and earn our way of life....... Now I see people ( not from America ) coming here and taking advantage of our way of life. Not having earned anything. They figure they can cross the boarder and set up shop, and do what they want. Then to top it all off they want to change how we do things. Lets be clear here. They came here from what they had because of what we have. Now they want to change the whole reason they are here.
  Now don't get me wrong. If an immigrant comes here and works, Pays Taxes and does as they should, I am the first person to stand in line and shake their hand and welcome them here. It is the American dream. Diversity is what makes America great. We all don't just go to Burger Joints. We go to Italian, Chinese, Turkish, Hungarian, and Mexican Restaurants. So we should embrace the other man who earns his way. Im also going on record as saying. If you are born here and sit on your ass and expect the taxpayers and Uncle Sam to take care of you. Your no different then they are. The people that's disabled and retired, that's a different issue. They do not fall under this ideal. The disabled cant help it and the Retired earned their time.
  In closing. As Americans, we live an idea that All PEOPLE are created equal and ALL people can earn a living and be prosperous. Just don't expect a hand out. Expect a hand up. People in General are inherently good. ( ive seen it ) just some lazy. No matter where you come from. Oh I got to go my burrito is here. 

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