Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


....Respect is a word that has started wars, broken up families, and killed people. Respect. What is it and why is it so important? Here's my view and of course the hard truth. Most people today Demand respect. In truth its earned. People say " YOU will respect me". I say why? Because you can yell loud. Because you can threaten me. Because you believe you can hurt me. If you kill me BuBBa will be respecting you as hes making you squeal like a little girl. If you yell at me you make yourself look stupid , and know one respects an idiot. If you demand it your only building up to a big disappointment.
... To Earn Respect you lead by example. You help others in need. You do your best at everything you do. You make sure others are taken care of. You stand for your beliefs and whats important. The biggest is you show you deserve respect by not demanding it but by earning it. And just so you know i'm old school. Always respect your elders unless they give you reasons not too. Just because they are old or related does not mean they get respect by proxy. Last thought. Always give respect to anyone wearing a uniform. Armed forces, Police, Fireman, Doctors, Nurses, Etc. they help and give thier all for you. They earned it. By the way I respect chefs. I love to eat.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


...What a word. That one little 3 letter word can get you in trouble, out of trouble, annoy the piss out of you, and even make your life a living hell. The worst part is when you have a child that learns this word. The word " WHY" is what fuels every single one of us. Some examples. WHY cant I get the raise? WHY are you talking to me? WHY are you wearing that? WHY cant we have sex tonight? WHY did i have sex with that? Of course the dreaded, WHY are you sticking it in there doc? The word WHY runs every thing we do. if you have the fore mentioned child the word WHY will make you want to drive into on coming traffic during your holiday travels. WHY were you on top of mommy daddy? WHY is the sky blue? WHY does the doggie do the funny dance on your leg. WHY aren't we there yet? You might even ask your self, WHY am I reading this? So after reading this remember this. WHY is the driving force behind everyone and every thing. If you find the answer to WHY you will have more info than the person next to you. WHY? well only you would know.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Once Was

....Do you remember when? Have you said or heard this saying? I believe that what our grandparents did and how the world was then is better. We live in the information age, but I would trade that in for the feeling of togetherness and pride we used to have. Kids now days have no respect for anyone or anything. " Back in the day " If you popped off to someone it dont matter who you were you would get the switch. If you got robbed the entire town would come together and find out who and where. Then dispense some justice. Now days know body knows nothing, and everyone is a target. Its wrong. just plain wrong. I say "remember when" if someone broke into your house, stole your things, and assaulted your family you shoot them without worry of going to jail. And one more thing. Millions of dollars for being burnt with hot coffee. WHAT KIND OF DUMB ASS Orders coffee and believes its not HOT coffee. Slap that person and say we should sue you for being stupid. Or Slap the fat asses who sue for super sizing it. Dont eat it. Bottom line is when two people have a dispute work it out like We used to. In closing, I got into a fist fight years ago over a dispute over a girl and that guy is one of my closest friends. Just REMEMBER WHEN.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I cant profess to be the expert on love. I do however have some insight into it. For starters, I don't believe you can fall in love. My Grandfather told me, "you cant fall into love because that would mean you can fall out of love". If I fall on a curb and scrape my knee is not good. I could fall in an open man hole cover and break my neck. I could fall off a cliff to my ever ending doom. ( Closest thing to love ). Or I could trip and fall into on coming traffic and get hurt. So you see if you fall into love nothing good can come out of it. I believe Love Is. Just Is. You feel it like a heavy winters coat. For example. Most of you love your Parents, Brothers, Sisters, or Person in those rolls.Then when they are away, or you feel the loss of there passing, there is an emptiness that can never be filled. That's Love. Love Just Is. Most people know the feeling of seeing that person for the first time. The butterflies, shortness of breath, and the uneasy feeling. You really know when you love someone, when your thoughts of that person is of them being better or doing better. If you put there needs first without even thinking about it. Bottom line you just know it. And by the way just because you love someone doesn't mean they have to love you back. But that's what love is. Just Is. Sometimes you hate love. but if you take a moment to think about it.If it hurts its not love.Love is how YOU feel about someone else. NOT how they feel about you. So in the end remember this. If it feels right and you just really know it than it is. Love. Just Is.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

American Pride

...Do you remember how you felt when you saw the tragedy that hit this country on 9-11. Do you remember whether you were you upset or pissed off? Did you feel anger toward a type of person or place? Was your heart crushed by the devastation and sorrow for the losses? I bet all of these. I will also bet that all this was put on the back burner when you saw the level of American Pride that made everything come together in a unity this country has not seen in a very long time. Why? because of the courageous and selfless work of others helping others. My question is this Why did we have to wait for a tragedy to happen before we came together? Where is it now? I cant answer this question myself. I can remember when we felt this way all the time. Gangs would simply not be tolerated by the communities their in. Thief's would be drug down the street by their heels to the jail. Your neighbor would be your friend and not making Meth in his spare bathroom. The bottom line is we all took interest in what went on around us and cared about the person standing next to you. Do you feel pride when you see a man or woman wearing there Military uniforms? I say when you see them don't just say, "thank you for your service", but give them a hug and, "say you make us better". We should take pride in what we do and where we live. Saying it is not doing it. America is the greatest place on this earth to live. We are so lucky to be here. Show your pride. Help your neighbor. Help you family. Buy those Girl Scout Cookies. Wave someone into traffic in front of you. Most of all dont just do it today. do it every day. By the way, Thin Mints and Peanut Butter are the best. MADE IN AMERICA.