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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

American Pride

...Do you remember how you felt when you saw the tragedy that hit this country on 9-11. Do you remember whether you were you upset or pissed off? Did you feel anger toward a type of person or place? Was your heart crushed by the devastation and sorrow for the losses? I bet all of these. I will also bet that all this was put on the back burner when you saw the level of American Pride that made everything come together in a unity this country has not seen in a very long time. Why? because of the courageous and selfless work of others helping others. My question is this Why did we have to wait for a tragedy to happen before we came together? Where is it now? I cant answer this question myself. I can remember when we felt this way all the time. Gangs would simply not be tolerated by the communities their in. Thief's would be drug down the street by their heels to the jail. Your neighbor would be your friend and not making Meth in his spare bathroom. The bottom line is we all took interest in what went on around us and cared about the person standing next to you. Do you feel pride when you see a man or woman wearing there Military uniforms? I say when you see them don't just say, "thank you for your service", but give them a hug and, "say you make us better". We should take pride in what we do and where we live. Saying it is not doing it. America is the greatest place on this earth to live. We are so lucky to be here. Show your pride. Help your neighbor. Help you family. Buy those Girl Scout Cookies. Wave someone into traffic in front of you. Most of all dont just do it today. do it every day. By the way, Thin Mints and Peanut Butter are the best. MADE IN AMERICA.

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