Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our Rights As Americans

 I'll start by saying the rights and freedoms we have today are not the same freedoms we had just a short time ago. When I say a short time ago Im talking 10, 15, even 20 years ago.  Our Men and Women of the armed service fight every day to defend this GREAT country of ours and the freedoms we all have. Im not a skeptic. Just the opposite.  I love the fact I can buy a home, raise my family in it, and live a life happy. But sadly not true anymore. Everyone's about respect anymore.
  I say if your worried about being disrespected your probably disrespecting the people around you. I was taking Council from my Cousin the other day. A man I highly respect. He believes in our system. As I do. I believe its just flawed.
  The right to bear arms. Dont touch it. A gun might be the one single thing to save you and your family. Instead, I say Educate how to own and use one starting in high school.
 The freedom of speech. I agree with this. But as we all know some people use this to abuse and hurt others.
 They are instituting laws today that make no sense. Like a cat that climbs a tree in your yard can get a fine. Now Really? Or the stupid law like you cant chain your Alligator to fire hydrant. Seriously. How about this one... If you cant afford Health Insurance you will be fined for not having it. How about this one. A healthy person sits at home, collects disability and social security, then files taxes at the end of the year and get $10,000 back because she spends he days having unprotected sex with anyone and has kids. Really. Do you all see where Im going here.
 So I say those of us that understand and believe our rights are important and fundamental we need to stand up and do something. Nothing crazy like strike and picket. But something more important like run for office and vote for the right person. not the person that spends the most money. Say something when its wrong and stand up for whats right, But most of all..... Help your neighbor. Smile and be friendly. Act with honesty and integrity.
It will catch to go check my trees for that darn cat and be sure the hydrant is clear of alligators.

Friday, February 20, 2015


 Now Im going on record about a few things. There has been alot of debate about the movie 50 SHADES OF GREY. Im not going to comment on the move. Im only going to talk about the controversy it brings up. Now, I am, as most know, a Christian person. I believe that what happens between a Man and His Wife , Behind closed doors, in the privacy of their own home is their business. What any couple chooses to do or not do is up to them. I will go on record as to say if there is abuse going on then someone needs to intervene.
 Lets be clear. If your straight, Gay, Bi-sexual, Black, White, Yellow. or Purple. No one has the right to tell you how to live. The only time anyone else should get involved is if there is abuse or someone getting hurt. Lets face it. Today its so easy to offend someone. I was in line at a restaurant and was listening to a couple complaining because of the way people came in dressed. They were Iranian and wore head dresses. Whats next. someone is going to tell me how to wipe my butt, and with what hand. Oh how bout the fact Im bigger than most people. should I be excluded from going to an all you can eat buffet.
  In closing I want to say. Lets start a Movement. Instead of listening to someone bash the other. Lets talk about the good in others in public.  Let other people over hear good things instead of complaints. Dont we do enough of that anyway. I say go to a crowded place and start a conversation about the good in others. And keep the personal stuff personal. Got to go. its lunch time.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentines

  Happy Valentines day. I say that for those of us that has significant others. The single guys. Well you got it made. The fact is we freak out and sweat what we do and dont get our wives and girl friends. Oh and lordy be if you forget. The end is near if you did. So Im going to put it in prospective. Go get the fllowers. Go get the chocolates. Go get the frilly little animals with the mushy sayings. Because bottom line if something that simple bought from the store make your partner happy, even if its just for a moment, then do it. Why not. it dont hurt anything and its a simple request. Besides it really does make us feel better knowing they are happy.
  You single guys. Dont sweat it. The girls that are out and single too, are looking for the right one. They are really looking on Valentines day. You might be able to get a good one.  Oops got to go I forgot the darn card.........

Saturday, February 7, 2015


  Do you remember when a person said, " I give you my word", or any variation there of, you could count on it. Well not anymore. As a Property Manager and Security Expert I deal with people daily. My wife has talks to many people everyday in the Office. When Im dealing with business owners and the such I used to accept their hand shake on prices and work to be completed. What Happened?  Its to the  point you cant even trust police officers and people of position.
 Just step up and tell it like it is. Now I believe I'm a bit lucky in the fact I have real friends. Friends that tell me like it is and I do them. Sometimes its hard and hurts, but in the end its the right thing and makes us better. So I call Bullshit on the people who lie and cheat and then still expect me to do for them.
  I do have an answer to this. I say make it Legal to taze or zap someone with a lier zapper. after awhile the people will get the message and know how to be respectful. I also say if the jerks that dont get up, out of a seat for the elderly or pregnant lady's,  be made to sit on a floor for a month for each transaction or take a good swift kick to the boys. Oh I dont want to leave out the children thats rude and unnrully in the stores and to people. If the parents dont take action I say give the parents what the kids deserve and Publicly make the kids make amends for their actions.
 So in the end, tell the truth. Be mindful of the people around you. And for god sake teach your kids about respect and the ART of telling the truth. Well got to go.  I smell dinner and I want to bug my wife. Hows that for honesty.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Then And Now

   Back in My day. Do you remember hearing this. I do many, many times. Now that I'm older I've say it many times to my kids. Here's what it really means. Your showing disrespect or your being lazy. Ill prove this statement. The kids now days are allow to scream, yell, and throw a tantrum if they don't get their way. Now understand I'm talking all kids. Pre-teens and Teens as well. "Back in the day" Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Neighbors, and Friends would spank the ass of the offender and teach them its not acceptable behavior. Don't that today and you might face charges. I say lets face them and do what Right.
  What about Stealing, Robbing, Hurting others,  and down right wrong doing.  If you get caught now days your the victim. Break into a house and get hurt. the owner of the house gets in trouble or sued by the bad guy. Rob or steal from a store and get smacked from the owner , Guess what your getting hand cuffed too. Husband beating the Hell out of his wife. If she defends herself  SHE goes to jail. Worst part, not one person will come help due to getting in trouble themselves. "Back in the day". If you were robbing and stealing and hurting others. Not only did the neighbors and others would come to your help. Sometimes give a little justice while waiting on the police. Also, the police were respected an feared ( as it should be) because they were allowed to do their jobs.
  "Back in the day" there were block parties,  Friendly neighbors, and kids willing to rake your yard for extra money. The police waved and smiled as they patrolled and people held the door for you.  Im thinking I want to go back in the day not just say it. As for now, I say lets all ban together and teach this next 2 generations how to really live. I also say give the Cops more than a TV show. Give them the respect and power the deserve and used to have. Now I've got to go. My friend Norman and I are getting together to clean guns in case someone tries to hurt our family's. or break in.