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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our Rights As Americans

 I'll start by saying the rights and freedoms we have today are not the same freedoms we had just a short time ago. When I say a short time ago Im talking 10, 15, even 20 years ago.  Our Men and Women of the armed service fight every day to defend this GREAT country of ours and the freedoms we all have. Im not a skeptic. Just the opposite.  I love the fact I can buy a home, raise my family in it, and live a life happy. But sadly not true anymore. Everyone's about respect anymore.
  I say if your worried about being disrespected your probably disrespecting the people around you. I was taking Council from my Cousin the other day. A man I highly respect. He believes in our system. As I do. I believe its just flawed.
  The right to bear arms. Dont touch it. A gun might be the one single thing to save you and your family. Instead, I say Educate how to own and use one starting in high school.
 The freedom of speech. I agree with this. But as we all know some people use this to abuse and hurt others.
 They are instituting laws today that make no sense. Like a cat that climbs a tree in your yard can get a fine. Now Really? Or the stupid law like you cant chain your Alligator to fire hydrant. Seriously. How about this one... If you cant afford Health Insurance you will be fined for not having it. How about this one. A healthy person sits at home, collects disability and social security, then files taxes at the end of the year and get $10,000 back because she spends he days having unprotected sex with anyone and has kids. Really. Do you all see where Im going here.
 So I say those of us that understand and believe our rights are important and fundamental we need to stand up and do something. Nothing crazy like strike and picket. But something more important like run for office and vote for the right person. not the person that spends the most money. Say something when its wrong and stand up for whats right, But most of all..... Help your neighbor. Smile and be friendly. Act with honesty and integrity.
It will catch to go check my trees for that darn cat and be sure the hydrant is clear of alligators.

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