Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Saturday, February 7, 2015


  Do you remember when a person said, " I give you my word", or any variation there of, you could count on it. Well not anymore. As a Property Manager and Security Expert I deal with people daily. My wife has talks to many people everyday in the Office. When Im dealing with business owners and the such I used to accept their hand shake on prices and work to be completed. What Happened?  Its to the  point you cant even trust police officers and people of position.
 Just step up and tell it like it is. Now I believe I'm a bit lucky in the fact I have real friends. Friends that tell me like it is and I do them. Sometimes its hard and hurts, but in the end its the right thing and makes us better. So I call Bullshit on the people who lie and cheat and then still expect me to do for them.
  I do have an answer to this. I say make it Legal to taze or zap someone with a lier zapper. after awhile the people will get the message and know how to be respectful. I also say if the jerks that dont get up, out of a seat for the elderly or pregnant lady's,  be made to sit on a floor for a month for each transaction or take a good swift kick to the boys. Oh I dont want to leave out the children thats rude and unnrully in the stores and to people. If the parents dont take action I say give the parents what the kids deserve and Publicly make the kids make amends for their actions.
 So in the end, tell the truth. Be mindful of the people around you. And for god sake teach your kids about respect and the ART of telling the truth. Well got to go.  I smell dinner and I want to bug my wife. Hows that for honesty.

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