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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Church and State

What ever happened to "In God We Trust"? We as a people used to believe that our prosperity was not only earned but we thanked the powers to be ( GOD) for it. Fast forward to today. The Ten Commandments are removed from all buildings and Schools, The schools are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or have a Christmas play. No Prayer or quiet time in schools. The morning prayer in Congress and at the start of the Senate were stopped. WHY? We prospered as a country and as a whole before. I will answer the Question in pure Clifford Fashion.
 Why? Because we, The people allowed or country to be run by a bunch of sissys who's only goals are self serving. We stopped spanking our children and started giving them things they have not earned or deserve. We have allowed the next generation of people to become greedy and LAZY. Today if I walk into a bakery and order a black & white cookie someone will say, " hey that's not right! its a mixed cookie that has two distinct sides." I say," Fuck off. its a black& white cookie" two seconds later Im being tazed by the police and having my face smashed into the floor because I carry a 9mm in my approved holster, and my permit in my pocket. Oh and its a right earned through the Constitution. GROW UP AMERICA. Stop the crap.
 White, Black, Yellow, Gay. Straight, Short, Tall. Fat. Skinny, Blah, Blah, Blah. Who Cares !! we are ALL people. Put your big boy pants on. If you don't like whats being said on TV change the channel. Hell you got 900 of them. Don't like whats being said on Facebook. Delete them. I mean come on.
You cant have everything. you want equality but you whine when someone does not believe the way you do. so I say. Hypocrite. we all need to stop all the self serving crap and look to our neighbors and say, " How can I help them". To all the IDIOTS in office. get it together. If you don't, remember the last government that hurt its people and made everyone suffer was over thrown and became AMERICA. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Land of the free and the brave. got to go my Oreo cookies need dunkin in m white milk.

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