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Friday, March 6, 2015

The President

 Now I have tried to avoid the whole debate about President Obama.  He IS our president, and that cant be changed. Because he is in the office and has achieved the office, I will always show respect. Don't get me wrong here. I do not like him. I do not like what he has done to weaken this country. I do not like what he stands for.
  Now that Ive said that let me elaborate. President Obama, Sir. You have hurt so many people with you half-assed schemes and you not putting the welfare of this GREAT country first. If I hear you apologize one more time for  you being an "American" and for America I would hope one of those men in the suits punches you right in your snoot. We deserve the apologies, not give them. We have helped and bailed out almost the entire world at one time or another. We have had Our Courageous Men and Women in the armed service  hurt or killed to help many in this world. So who deserves what.
  Now lets talk about or Liberties. The incredible Men who wrote the Constitution, the Bill Of Rights, and gave us liberty, did not do it so one man, " Obama" can bypass the government and do as he sees fit. The very reason our Constitution exists is to keep our liberty's and provide structure for a fair and equal government. This Guy is neither. I don't like bashing our President. Facts are facts. The fact is if it was not for his color he never would have been put into the position. " the first time". The second time was for history's sake and pure blindness and lies. 
  Now this one last thing. Obama care. WTF. its a joke. It put many, many people out of the Heathcare they had and Forced them to get plans that cost more and delivered less.  Mr. President, If you were to spend anytime thinking and listening to our neighbors to the north you would see it is possible for national healthcare., But ONLY if you set it up for the people and not the government. They got it right. YOU got it wrong.
 In the end. History will always tell. But for those of us living in it. We need to make better decisions on whos in office. and protect the Constitution with our very being. So my Opinion.  Mr. President Obama YOU SUCK for hurting the very Americans YOU VOWED to protect and serve. Apologize for that. My phone is always on.

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