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Thursday, July 2, 2015


  Im so sick of it. Disgusted is more like it. What has happened to people in my life time. We as a society has dealt with racism since the beginning.   I believed we have come to the end of it. But NOOOOOOOO. now if I say Im white and proud of it Im raciest. But if you are any other person of color you can say this one simple statement without any fall back. Lets take it another step. Slaves. In this country there has not been a slave for OVER 100 years. But why do some people of color believe we as a society owe them anything. We dont. I say Get off your high horse and take responsibility for your own actions. Quit asking for a free ride  and do as generations before you fought for, Get off your ass, get a job, take care of your responsibilities, and pay your taxes. You know like the rest of us do. Im not saying everyone is like this. Im saying there are a select few that are messing it up for everyone.
  Lets talk about the flag issue. Im disgusted over the way people in our country has rallied behind the elimination of a flag to such a point it is wrong to even show it or speak of it. Lets get it straight. You want to pull anything with the Rebel Flag out of our society. What a crock. that flag has been used not as hate but as a symbol of country freedom. Its the heritage of people from the south and has no meaning of slavery to us. Just because a select few  pieces of trash used it as their symbol does not mean its the feelings of an entire society. I can show many, many examples of this.
 Last thing. Our American Flag. Old Glory. If I see one person stepping on, or dismissing this flag I will personally stomp a mud hole in their asses. This Flag is our symbol of FREEDOM idiots. the one thing everybody bitches about. Men and Women Fought and died for the very thing this flag stands for. Treating this flag like it worthless means you are worthless. bottom line if you dont like it here. go to another country. If you do it wont be long until you will be back.
  I have a challenge for everyone. Stand up for whats right. If you see a post of Old Glory being disrespected.  Make a comment. If you see or hear someone showing the same disrespect say something. Show your pride. Its time we did. Ive got to go. Its time for my Clear, American, secrete, non-political, all correct all the time whisper quiet, non-denominational, all PC all the time rally.

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