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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dumb Asses

 I'm telling you what. The state of things are really starting to tick me off. People in Boston are now acting like dumb asses. Question?, When did it become ok to attack police officers and destroy things. People are starting to act like wild animals and deserve to be caged and put down. The police need to go ahead and use rubber bullets, mustard gas, and every thing at their disposal to end it. They also need to make a statement that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
 Now some people might think I'm being a little extreme. But. the bottom line is, the people who work hard and busted their asses to earn their business and possessions are the real victims. Then a bunch of THUGS, using any excuse they can, to destroy and hurt people for their own pleasure. I get it. If something is wrong then protest. But do it right. Don't destroy property and create a problem for the rest of the world. Its wrong to attack other people and police officers. I say if you have the balls to attack a police officer, then you must have the balls to get whats coming to you.
 Also, Quit the Lying about Color and equality. There have not been slaves for over 100 years and no matter what your color, Race, Religion, Nationality, fat, skinny, Blond, Or Bald, As Americans you have rights. AND, to the majority of AMERICANS believe in justice do whats right. Its the few that has created the mass trouble.
 So here's my solution is this...... Everyone gather together that's tired of the crap. We do what they are doing. We go where they are rioting and we start attacking them. Then once we get control and turn it over to the police. After that we get the address of the ones doing damage and we destroy their homes and property like they did to the regular, hard working people of this country. Only then they will get the message. After this happens once or twice the crap will stop and people will learn " Again" to have respect and do whats right.... or pay the price.  Ive got to go. getting my house ready for the zombie apocalypse.

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