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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Whinner's, Cry Babies, And Bitcher's.

 I don't know about you. But I'm sick of hearing all the complaints and whining when someone has to do something. We all have to work for a living. we all should work to provide the best place for our families. We all should help our fellow neighbors. But heres an example of what im talking about.
  Someone bitches because hes flipping hamburgers at McDonald's for $10 an hour and has to work 30+ hours a week. I Just want to smack this person and yell in their face, " hay stupid !!! you get paid more then many others and have a far better work environment. You GET PAID !!!!!" Then you have those who complain because they only get $800 in food stamps and they can't to get it to stretch a whole month between the three people in the house hold. I want to put my foot right in their ass and yell, " hay lazy fat ass. Your getting free food that most of us have to work many hours a day to pay for. You should feel lucky you are getting anything. Now go to work !!!!!" but then everyone comes down on me because I don't understand. What is there to understand? The fact we have become a nation of whiners and complainers because we are not getting what we want. STOP THE BITCHING. We have the greatest nation  in this world. our forefather's fought to provide for us. This what we should be doing for the next generation. Stop complaining about what you don't have and start doing something about it. Shut up and take action and  not act like it should be done for you. The only people who have any right to complain are the ones who worked hard and earned that right. Our Military. The police, fireman, first responders, Dr's, nurses, farmers, and every single person who straps up and gets up off their ass and earns there way through life.
  So I will say this in close. If you are whining because the line is too long, or your money is not enough. Or even if you bottom was not powered enough. SHUT UP and do something about it. Be the person who finds solutions and not complains about the person doing it. Darn it my grocery store ran out of my favorite ice-cream. guess Ill have to eat snack cakes instead.

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