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Monday, January 24, 2011


---Description: Welfare: A helping hand for those less fortunate. Monetary inducement for the express well being for individuals needing help....yada, yada, yada. I believe in some help but lets do it in the right way. Example.. A family in Louisiana that receives any, some, or all of these services, whether it be Food Stamps, SSI, or Medicaid, are not allowed to better themselves. If the adults of the family picks up cans, looks for work, or receives any type of money they get reduced or totally loose all benefits. If the adults go to or applies for schooling, college, Etc. they loose there benefits. That would mean if a father and mother want to do better for there family they would have to lie and hope they don't get caught or risk having there children go without proper medicare, go hungry, and have no water or electricity. Do you think this is right. My answer may shock you. I go this way. If someone gets a job that's on assistance, Give them what they already had coming in for 3 months. This way the paychecks are steady and regular. If someone goes to school, carry them through the entire time they are going. Then once they finish give them 3 months to find a job. Even help them if at all possible. Now for those that don't want to work, don't try, or don't give a crap. Drop them like there hot.They are dead weight. If we truly do this people would be working and our economy would be thriving and strong. Then bring back all the jobs that left this country and make the MADE IN THE USA stamp mean something again. But thats another day. So in the end I say help up not hand out.

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