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Thursday, January 6, 2011


This is a topic for the men out there. Go ahead ladys turn away. Go on now. I'll go ahead and tell you ladys YES I'm gonna talk about you. OK? OK. Now guys, I'm not gonna say I have the answers to women. I dont. As a matter of fact I dont think god does either and he made them. I hear you cant live with or without women. Come on guys TRY! They drive you nuts. Your never right. And worst of all every question they ask has two possible answers. Both to get you trapped. For instance. This. Woman:honey will you help with the dishes. Man: oook. Woman: what was that all about you dont want to do the dishes? Ok guys heres where your fried. No answer is good enough. so I say be honest. Answer the way you really feel. Why would I ask you to commit Sucide? Because your screwed anyway. I've been married 10 years now. My testicles reside in a shoe box under my bed. They stay there if I want to keep my marrage. Right? Well guys in total honesty I say this. You can love the woman your with by being honest. Even though she dont believe you or shes just plain nuts. Believe me they all are nuts. But I would not trade in one single good moment I've had with my wife. So in closing my advice is try your best, love from your heart, and by all means learn to duck and cover. And one final thought Lesbians dont kill each other because there both nuts going in.

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