Thank You for taking the first step into hearing and being heard about the truth in this world. Not Political, Ratical, or otherwise crazy rantings. But COLD HARD TRUTH ....... The New Viewers Should Read The Past Post to Truly Understand Cliffords Truth

Friday, October 30, 2015


 Im sick and tired of hearing all the Bull about how students are being treated and how the Police and Teachers are reacting to the students.
 I believe the police and teachers are doing all they can to maintain order. The Police officers who are getting fired and suspended because they put their hands on a student should be praised for the amount of restraint  they are actually showing. When a student gets out of line, and disrupts a class. there should be consequences. I you strike a teacher or a police officer there should be consequences. Its not excessive force when your being struck and a child believes she can get away with it. If you dont want to get jerked out of your desk and thrown to the floor. Do as your told. If it was my child you ask? Well if one of my children would act like that I would go to the school and apologize for the way they acted. Then I would bust their ass in front to the person they disrespected. Bottom line its wrong to strike anyone and disrupt class. If you do, you DESERVE to get smacked.
 Im afraid. Im afraid of the message we are sending out to our youth. Im also afraid of what will become of our society if we allow the Crazies to run the nut house. If the police and teachers cant do their jobs with out worrying about being fired or in trouble ,because of a disruptive child. then they wont do what they are supposed too and we all pay the price. Its just plain wrong. I say we all stand up and applaud the officers and teachers who stand up for whats right and put the little bastards in their place.  Stop the madness!!!!! As for the students. Do your homework, listen to your teachers, and by all means, if you have a problem take it to the authorities instead of starting trouble. Got to go. Making a paddle for the principle so he can loose his job and be persecuted for hanging on his wall.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


  Lets get this one thing CLEAR, Racism is Ignorance.  Plain and simple. Now is when I'm going to offend some people. People of color are raciest. Not all but more and more each day. Racism is not just a white thing. Its a hate thing. I have listened to many people spout off how people of color are discriminated against and repressed. I ask WHERE? Oh you mean the ones that are looting, robbing, killing cops, and stealing? you mean those people. Well I dont care what you color is. if you do any of the following you will have to pay for your actions. Just because its a white man is in the uniform does not mean hes racist. when he stops someone from committing a crime hes doing what we want and NEED him to do. Regardless of color. If you are a person of color and you say things like, He did that because Im black. Hes got that because hes white. I cant have that because Im black. Well guess what, YOUR A RACIST.  Just because you have a color does not mean your not entitled to anything. BTW just because your white your not entitled to anything either. Bottom line folks. You want something get off your ass and earn it like most productive AMERICAN citizens.
  Now some of you thing Im just spouting off here with no clue or understanding. Once again let me set the record straight. I was raised in Atlanta, GA. went to public schools where people of color were prominent. The ratio was something like 85/15. I went to Bass high school where I was only 1 of 6 white people in the entire school. I WAS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.  By Teachers, Staff, and Students. So bad that I ended in the hospital because of it. Not has one single person heard me scream and yell Black people owe me ANYTHING. No. why? Because they dont. Those people were Ignorant and stupid. I have people of color I consider family. Closer to me than you can Imagine. Bottom line. If you want something earn it. Quit your whining about slavery and poverty. I know of not one single slave in 3 generations. Also. are you poor. Get a job, work hard and get better. You know like the rest of us do. And last but not least...... QUIT HATING AND BLAMING PEOPLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS.
  I heard on the radio today about some Leader from a Black group saying, " Its time for all black people to come together and kill all white people. Kill any and all cops and take this country for black folks". I say this is a prime example of someone being stupid and trying break apart a country that has grown as a diverse and equal place for all. So Mr. Leader of the hate group. Come see me. I will be glad to have a discussion with you. If you come to hurt me or my friends and family, you better to be prepared to answer to god for your actions, Because I will be happy to help Introduce you to him.
 One last thing. I do Hate. I hate people who hate for no other reason then the color of your skin. I use the term " People of color" because there is never a single term agreed upon for " Black" people. Every time I try to be PC I get corrected. This way I cant offend someone just because of color.
 Now everyone you must excuse me, I need to dust off the 2nd amendment and clean my AR-15.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


 Ok I'm done. I'm sick of these ISIS cowards targeting Americans. I say if you pick a fight with a big dog expect to get bitten. But wait! What happened. this big dog ( America ) has a leash on it called Obama. I believe he might be apart of the ISIS movement. I hate to say this about our commander and chief but he is doing nothing. Obama your a coward. A big sissy who's afraid to get dirty and do WHAT YOUR HIRED to do. Protect the very Americans who believed in you. So instead of waiting for a coward of a commander to do something I say lets get together as a country and do it ourselves. There are many retired Military people who can lead and get rid of this threat to Americans and our Soldiers.
 In our past when we had leaders who were inept and scared to do what's right, Americans pulled together and did what was right. ISIS Come get me. You come to my house, Place of business, Friends and family's door. I will show you how real Americans with heart Defend themselves. I'm ready to do what is necessary to protect my friends and family. The sad part is I'm only one guy. Obama has the entire military at his disposal to take care of business. I hope and pray that when History looks back at the Obama administration it will see him as a coward and worthless President who put himself before his country and People. I would like every person who reads this to pass it on.
 I want to reach as many Real Americas as I can. BTW Its not an Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, or anything other than an American thing. We are ONE NATION UNDER GOD. INDIVISIVLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
 My name is Clifford Dean. I live in Oklahoma. Not hiding here.
 Sorry got to go. Expecting visitors from ISIS. need to clean my ( Clearing Throat ) Toys.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


  Im so sick of it. Disgusted is more like it. What has happened to people in my life time. We as a society has dealt with racism since the beginning.   I believed we have come to the end of it. But NOOOOOOOO. now if I say Im white and proud of it Im raciest. But if you are any other person of color you can say this one simple statement without any fall back. Lets take it another step. Slaves. In this country there has not been a slave for OVER 100 years. But why do some people of color believe we as a society owe them anything. We dont. I say Get off your high horse and take responsibility for your own actions. Quit asking for a free ride  and do as generations before you fought for, Get off your ass, get a job, take care of your responsibilities, and pay your taxes. You know like the rest of us do. Im not saying everyone is like this. Im saying there are a select few that are messing it up for everyone.
  Lets talk about the flag issue. Im disgusted over the way people in our country has rallied behind the elimination of a flag to such a point it is wrong to even show it or speak of it. Lets get it straight. You want to pull anything with the Rebel Flag out of our society. What a crock. that flag has been used not as hate but as a symbol of country freedom. Its the heritage of people from the south and has no meaning of slavery to us. Just because a select few  pieces of trash used it as their symbol does not mean its the feelings of an entire society. I can show many, many examples of this.
 Last thing. Our American Flag. Old Glory. If I see one person stepping on, or dismissing this flag I will personally stomp a mud hole in their asses. This Flag is our symbol of FREEDOM idiots. the one thing everybody bitches about. Men and Women Fought and died for the very thing this flag stands for. Treating this flag like it worthless means you are worthless. bottom line if you dont like it here. go to another country. If you do it wont be long until you will be back.
  I have a challenge for everyone. Stand up for whats right. If you see a post of Old Glory being disrespected.  Make a comment. If you see or hear someone showing the same disrespect say something. Show your pride. Its time we did. Ive got to go. Its time for my Clear, American, secrete, non-political, all correct all the time whisper quiet, non-denominational, all PC all the time rally.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dumb Asses

 I'm telling you what. The state of things are really starting to tick me off. People in Boston are now acting like dumb asses. Question?, When did it become ok to attack police officers and destroy things. People are starting to act like wild animals and deserve to be caged and put down. The police need to go ahead and use rubber bullets, mustard gas, and every thing at their disposal to end it. They also need to make a statement that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
 Now some people might think I'm being a little extreme. But. the bottom line is, the people who work hard and busted their asses to earn their business and possessions are the real victims. Then a bunch of THUGS, using any excuse they can, to destroy and hurt people for their own pleasure. I get it. If something is wrong then protest. But do it right. Don't destroy property and create a problem for the rest of the world. Its wrong to attack other people and police officers. I say if you have the balls to attack a police officer, then you must have the balls to get whats coming to you.
 Also, Quit the Lying about Color and equality. There have not been slaves for over 100 years and no matter what your color, Race, Religion, Nationality, fat, skinny, Blond, Or Bald, As Americans you have rights. AND, to the majority of AMERICANS believe in justice do whats right. Its the few that has created the mass trouble.
 So here's my solution is this...... Everyone gather together that's tired of the crap. We do what they are doing. We go where they are rioting and we start attacking them. Then once we get control and turn it over to the police. After that we get the address of the ones doing damage and we destroy their homes and property like they did to the regular, hard working people of this country. Only then they will get the message. After this happens once or twice the crap will stop and people will learn " Again" to have respect and do whats right.... or pay the price.  Ive got to go. getting my house ready for the zombie apocalypse.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Stop The Madness

 Listen people. Im sick of seeing in the news all the time about, I want my company to pay me more. Well I say DO MORE. people are picketing Mcdonalds and Wal-Mart wanting starting pay to be $15 per hour or some nonsense. Are you kidding me! I here things like Wal-Mart owners made 15 Billion last year. I say so what. If you are working for Wal-mart and you are doing your job, you will get raises and promotions and such. Don't just demand them like your entitled to money that's not yours.
 Same thing with McDonalds. $15 per hour and not having to go to school or work for it. Are you kidding. Because you choose to have a kid in high school and drop out. take welfare and then have to find a job does not entitle you to get what people working their asses off for get. I hear people say, "McDonalds is Making money hand over fist off our work." I say they sure are and they are paying your whining ass to do it. I don't care what the company I work for earns, ( unless its going under).  They provide you with a job, a paycheck, a way to pay your bills and keep your whining, boo hooing, bitching ass off the street.
 So I'll go this way. You want to earn $15 per hour. Quit your job. Pay for the building, Pay insurance, and all the overhead bills. Lights, Water, things to work with, ETC.  and then see if you can even afford a tissue to wipe your nose when you make nothing and have nothing.
 Have pride who you work for. Stand tall and count your blessings you have a job. No matter what job you have. If you work hard and do right for your company. 90% of the time they will reward you. If they don't and you did above and beyond. Then you can complain. But until then shut up and give me my McDouble and fries. Im fixing to help pay for your salary.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Whinner's, Cry Babies, And Bitcher's.

 I don't know about you. But I'm sick of hearing all the complaints and whining when someone has to do something. We all have to work for a living. we all should work to provide the best place for our families. We all should help our fellow neighbors. But heres an example of what im talking about.
  Someone bitches because hes flipping hamburgers at McDonald's for $10 an hour and has to work 30+ hours a week. I Just want to smack this person and yell in their face, " hay stupid !!! you get paid more then many others and have a far better work environment. You GET PAID !!!!!" Then you have those who complain because they only get $800 in food stamps and they can't to get it to stretch a whole month between the three people in the house hold. I want to put my foot right in their ass and yell, " hay lazy fat ass. Your getting free food that most of us have to work many hours a day to pay for. You should feel lucky you are getting anything. Now go to work !!!!!" but then everyone comes down on me because I don't understand. What is there to understand? The fact we have become a nation of whiners and complainers because we are not getting what we want. STOP THE BITCHING. We have the greatest nation  in this world. our forefather's fought to provide for us. This what we should be doing for the next generation. Stop complaining about what you don't have and start doing something about it. Shut up and take action and  not act like it should be done for you. The only people who have any right to complain are the ones who worked hard and earned that right. Our Military. The police, fireman, first responders, Dr's, nurses, farmers, and every single person who straps up and gets up off their ass and earns there way through life.
  So I will say this in close. If you are whining because the line is too long, or your money is not enough. Or even if you bottom was not powered enough. SHUT UP and do something about it. Be the person who finds solutions and not complains about the person doing it. Darn it my grocery store ran out of my favorite ice-cream. guess Ill have to eat snack cakes instead.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Now and Then

  Hey, Do you remember when we were teenagers and we went to the mall, hung-out with our friends, or went to the playground. Heck we used to go to each others house just to ride bikes or play cops and robbers. What Happened? Now days kids are joining Gangs, Selling Drugs, Doing drugs, Staying in their rooms, and not associating with others there age.Their Whole time is spent living in the computer.
 I get it. Times are different. I understand Technology is the future. There has to be a limit.
 Some of the best ideas come out of your imagination not a computer screen. Also if your mind cant experience the things you are learning about on the computer, your wasting the knowledge. I say we should have a black out day. One day a week where there is not a single computer running or working. The only phones that work are attached to the wall. all children must be made to play in a sand box at least 3 times before they turn 10. I realize I might be sounding a bit crazy, but some of my youths greatest memories were created with friends and without a screen and keyboard. 
 IN closing I say to the youth. take note of whats going on around you. everything is changing and in a blink of an eye you will be chasing your kids down on hover boards. OOh I gotta go. my friends are raiding a village of Ogres and Giants in our on line game.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Church and State

What ever happened to "In God We Trust"? We as a people used to believe that our prosperity was not only earned but we thanked the powers to be ( GOD) for it. Fast forward to today. The Ten Commandments are removed from all buildings and Schools, The schools are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or have a Christmas play. No Prayer or quiet time in schools. The morning prayer in Congress and at the start of the Senate were stopped. WHY? We prospered as a country and as a whole before. I will answer the Question in pure Clifford Fashion.
 Why? Because we, The people allowed or country to be run by a bunch of sissys who's only goals are self serving. We stopped spanking our children and started giving them things they have not earned or deserve. We have allowed the next generation of people to become greedy and LAZY. Today if I walk into a bakery and order a black & white cookie someone will say, " hey that's not right! its a mixed cookie that has two distinct sides." I say," Fuck off. its a black& white cookie" two seconds later Im being tazed by the police and having my face smashed into the floor because I carry a 9mm in my approved holster, and my permit in my pocket. Oh and its a right earned through the Constitution. GROW UP AMERICA. Stop the crap.
 White, Black, Yellow, Gay. Straight, Short, Tall. Fat. Skinny, Blah, Blah, Blah. Who Cares !! we are ALL people. Put your big boy pants on. If you don't like whats being said on TV change the channel. Hell you got 900 of them. Don't like whats being said on Facebook. Delete them. I mean come on.
You cant have everything. you want equality but you whine when someone does not believe the way you do. so I say. Hypocrite. we all need to stop all the self serving crap and look to our neighbors and say, " How can I help them". To all the IDIOTS in office. get it together. If you don't, remember the last government that hurt its people and made everyone suffer was over thrown and became AMERICA. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Land of the free and the brave. got to go my Oreo cookies need dunkin in m white milk.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Here We Go Again.

 Im sick of it. Im sick of a person of color using their color to get out of trouble and harm the ones holding them accountable.  The Student that was out of control and fought the police, is yelling hes being persecuted because of his color. Look Dumb Ass, You get drunk, you fight the police, and you act stupid and you think the Police are in the wrong. Wear the Dumb Ass sign proudly. It was never about your color. It was about your actions. Take your Medicine, Apologize, and move on.
  This is I what Ive been ranting about for awhile. The Police cant do their jobs anymore. Well unless your white. IM the farthest from being raciest. But when a white Police officer cant approach someone because they are white is WRONG. Who cares what color any of them are. The only colors that should be seen is BLUE. The color of police uniforms. Respect the Law and the Uniform the person is wearing and you wont get your body thrown to the ground and hand cuffed. Bottom line.
  Now the Frat SAE. and the hateful things they said, Every one of them deserves an ASS WHOOPIN. this is 2015. We are an Educated society. Racism should not be apart anything we do. No matter What your color. It goes both ways. As a person who spend a large part of my youth in a mostly colored neighborhood, I know how it feels. So I say to everyone. STOP THE DUMB STUFF. grow up. and become a part of todays society. Let me know if you think Im wrong. just be prepared to back it up with truth and facts. Have a great day. EVERYONE !!!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

The President

 Now I have tried to avoid the whole debate about President Obama.  He IS our president, and that cant be changed. Because he is in the office and has achieved the office, I will always show respect. Don't get me wrong here. I do not like him. I do not like what he has done to weaken this country. I do not like what he stands for.
  Now that Ive said that let me elaborate. President Obama, Sir. You have hurt so many people with you half-assed schemes and you not putting the welfare of this GREAT country first. If I hear you apologize one more time for  you being an "American" and for America I would hope one of those men in the suits punches you right in your snoot. We deserve the apologies, not give them. We have helped and bailed out almost the entire world at one time or another. We have had Our Courageous Men and Women in the armed service  hurt or killed to help many in this world. So who deserves what.
  Now lets talk about or Liberties. The incredible Men who wrote the Constitution, the Bill Of Rights, and gave us liberty, did not do it so one man, " Obama" can bypass the government and do as he sees fit. The very reason our Constitution exists is to keep our liberty's and provide structure for a fair and equal government. This Guy is neither. I don't like bashing our President. Facts are facts. The fact is if it was not for his color he never would have been put into the position. " the first time". The second time was for history's sake and pure blindness and lies. 
  Now this one last thing. Obama care. WTF. its a joke. It put many, many people out of the Heathcare they had and Forced them to get plans that cost more and delivered less.  Mr. President, If you were to spend anytime thinking and listening to our neighbors to the north you would see it is possible for national healthcare., But ONLY if you set it up for the people and not the government. They got it right. YOU got it wrong.
 In the end. History will always tell. But for those of us living in it. We need to make better decisions on whos in office. and protect the Constitution with our very being. So my Opinion.  Mr. President Obama YOU SUCK for hurting the very Americans YOU VOWED to protect and serve. Apologize for that. My phone is always on.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our Rights As Americans

 I'll start by saying the rights and freedoms we have today are not the same freedoms we had just a short time ago. When I say a short time ago Im talking 10, 15, even 20 years ago.  Our Men and Women of the armed service fight every day to defend this GREAT country of ours and the freedoms we all have. Im not a skeptic. Just the opposite.  I love the fact I can buy a home, raise my family in it, and live a life happy. But sadly not true anymore. Everyone's about respect anymore.
  I say if your worried about being disrespected your probably disrespecting the people around you. I was taking Council from my Cousin the other day. A man I highly respect. He believes in our system. As I do. I believe its just flawed.
  The right to bear arms. Dont touch it. A gun might be the one single thing to save you and your family. Instead, I say Educate how to own and use one starting in high school.
 The freedom of speech. I agree with this. But as we all know some people use this to abuse and hurt others.
 They are instituting laws today that make no sense. Like a cat that climbs a tree in your yard can get a fine. Now Really? Or the stupid law like you cant chain your Alligator to fire hydrant. Seriously. How about this one... If you cant afford Health Insurance you will be fined for not having it. How about this one. A healthy person sits at home, collects disability and social security, then files taxes at the end of the year and get $10,000 back because she spends he days having unprotected sex with anyone and has kids. Really. Do you all see where Im going here.
 So I say those of us that understand and believe our rights are important and fundamental we need to stand up and do something. Nothing crazy like strike and picket. But something more important like run for office and vote for the right person. not the person that spends the most money. Say something when its wrong and stand up for whats right, But most of all..... Help your neighbor. Smile and be friendly. Act with honesty and integrity.
It will catch to go check my trees for that darn cat and be sure the hydrant is clear of alligators.

Friday, February 20, 2015


 Now Im going on record about a few things. There has been alot of debate about the movie 50 SHADES OF GREY. Im not going to comment on the move. Im only going to talk about the controversy it brings up. Now, I am, as most know, a Christian person. I believe that what happens between a Man and His Wife , Behind closed doors, in the privacy of their own home is their business. What any couple chooses to do or not do is up to them. I will go on record as to say if there is abuse going on then someone needs to intervene.
 Lets be clear. If your straight, Gay, Bi-sexual, Black, White, Yellow. or Purple. No one has the right to tell you how to live. The only time anyone else should get involved is if there is abuse or someone getting hurt. Lets face it. Today its so easy to offend someone. I was in line at a restaurant and was listening to a couple complaining because of the way people came in dressed. They were Iranian and wore head dresses. Whats next. someone is going to tell me how to wipe my butt, and with what hand. Oh how bout the fact Im bigger than most people. should I be excluded from going to an all you can eat buffet.
  In closing I want to say. Lets start a Movement. Instead of listening to someone bash the other. Lets talk about the good in others in public.  Let other people over hear good things instead of complaints. Dont we do enough of that anyway. I say go to a crowded place and start a conversation about the good in others. And keep the personal stuff personal. Got to go. its lunch time.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentines

  Happy Valentines day. I say that for those of us that has significant others. The single guys. Well you got it made. The fact is we freak out and sweat what we do and dont get our wives and girl friends. Oh and lordy be if you forget. The end is near if you did. So Im going to put it in prospective. Go get the fllowers. Go get the chocolates. Go get the frilly little animals with the mushy sayings. Because bottom line if something that simple bought from the store make your partner happy, even if its just for a moment, then do it. Why not. it dont hurt anything and its a simple request. Besides it really does make us feel better knowing they are happy.
  You single guys. Dont sweat it. The girls that are out and single too, are looking for the right one. They are really looking on Valentines day. You might be able to get a good one.  Oops got to go I forgot the darn card.........

Saturday, February 7, 2015


  Do you remember when a person said, " I give you my word", or any variation there of, you could count on it. Well not anymore. As a Property Manager and Security Expert I deal with people daily. My wife has talks to many people everyday in the Office. When Im dealing with business owners and the such I used to accept their hand shake on prices and work to be completed. What Happened?  Its to the  point you cant even trust police officers and people of position.
 Just step up and tell it like it is. Now I believe I'm a bit lucky in the fact I have real friends. Friends that tell me like it is and I do them. Sometimes its hard and hurts, but in the end its the right thing and makes us better. So I call Bullshit on the people who lie and cheat and then still expect me to do for them.
  I do have an answer to this. I say make it Legal to taze or zap someone with a lier zapper. after awhile the people will get the message and know how to be respectful. I also say if the jerks that dont get up, out of a seat for the elderly or pregnant lady's,  be made to sit on a floor for a month for each transaction or take a good swift kick to the boys. Oh I dont want to leave out the children thats rude and unnrully in the stores and to people. If the parents dont take action I say give the parents what the kids deserve and Publicly make the kids make amends for their actions.
 So in the end, tell the truth. Be mindful of the people around you. And for god sake teach your kids about respect and the ART of telling the truth. Well got to go.  I smell dinner and I want to bug my wife. Hows that for honesty.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Then And Now

   Back in My day. Do you remember hearing this. I do many, many times. Now that I'm older I've say it many times to my kids. Here's what it really means. Your showing disrespect or your being lazy. Ill prove this statement. The kids now days are allow to scream, yell, and throw a tantrum if they don't get their way. Now understand I'm talking all kids. Pre-teens and Teens as well. "Back in the day" Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Neighbors, and Friends would spank the ass of the offender and teach them its not acceptable behavior. Don't that today and you might face charges. I say lets face them and do what Right.
  What about Stealing, Robbing, Hurting others,  and down right wrong doing.  If you get caught now days your the victim. Break into a house and get hurt. the owner of the house gets in trouble or sued by the bad guy. Rob or steal from a store and get smacked from the owner , Guess what your getting hand cuffed too. Husband beating the Hell out of his wife. If she defends herself  SHE goes to jail. Worst part, not one person will come help due to getting in trouble themselves. "Back in the day". If you were robbing and stealing and hurting others. Not only did the neighbors and others would come to your help. Sometimes give a little justice while waiting on the police. Also, the police were respected an feared ( as it should be) because they were allowed to do their jobs.
  "Back in the day" there were block parties,  Friendly neighbors, and kids willing to rake your yard for extra money. The police waved and smiled as they patrolled and people held the door for you.  Im thinking I want to go back in the day not just say it. As for now, I say lets all ban together and teach this next 2 generations how to really live. I also say give the Cops more than a TV show. Give them the respect and power the deserve and used to have. Now I've got to go. My friend Norman and I are getting together to clean guns in case someone tries to hurt our family's. or break in.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Real State Of the Union

   WoW, was I the only one to watch the President and say " REALLY? ". I was listening and hopeful for some real talk and some real answers for some of the Idiocy going on here lately. This President said we are BETTER then where we were before. Well lets tell the truth. Obama Care.... This Insurance joke was ment to help the regular Family with the high cost of insurance. I see the intent. Was not a bad Idea. But instead it threw out insurance from the people that had it. It also made it hard and too expensive to get for those that already had insurance. He kept talking about those he helped... why don't he look at the masses he messed over.
  Education... Really? He started the "Common Core" curriculum. The worst thing ever. Has any parent even looked at this. The Math don't add up and the way the world runs is not how the student learns. Now he did say one good thing.... May be another lie...... But he said he will make it so everyone can go to community college for free. If that comes to will be a miracle. But if it does come to be, it will be a good thing.
  The economy he said is strong. Well its getting better. Its getting better because of people like you and I working longer hours and making the same to keep up. WE ALL made the economy bounce back. Not the fat cat Millionaires in Washington who gets a better tax break then us. They take the money we all put in and hide theirs so we cant use it.
  In closing I'm not Bashing President Obama. I'm bashing each and every person who helps bad ideas hurt the Americans that make this country what it is.  If it was Mr. Monopoly man I would be saying the same thing. So AMERICA... keep up  the hard work and remember WE make our future and WE make this country strong. So Vote. and do it right. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Terrorist !!!

  Everyone screams, " GO GET THOSE BASTARDS " Each and every time someone attacks the US or our allies. Heres the rub, When we do, then everyone complains how its done. I believe if  you are going to attack innocent people and your only thought is to harm others, then I say all bets are off. Water boarding someone to get the info to stop hurting someone is ok. Blowing up the compound of some ass hole who wants to kill thousands of people is ok. I was asked, " Would you want to be tortured for information? " I said, " Im not going to attack, maim, or kill innocent people. " Say what you want. If you belong to groups Al-Qaida, Al-jihad, KKK, Skin Heads, Black Panthers, or any other kind of hate group intending to do harm, you deserve to get whats coming. A Beating, Torcher, Water Boarding, and any other Ball Busting Tactic to stop you. I say Spare the good hard working people of this world and get rid of the other Idiots. Oh just to make it clear. Its not about what country you come from, the color of your skin, or the god you pray too. Its about how you treat other people. Be good to your neighbor and each other. Got to go my turn at the Gun range. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015


  I Love this country, as many of you do. I believe in the American way. We work hard, Earn money and earn our way of life....... Now I see people ( not from America ) coming here and taking advantage of our way of life. Not having earned anything. They figure they can cross the boarder and set up shop, and do what they want. Then to top it all off they want to change how we do things. Lets be clear here. They came here from what they had because of what we have. Now they want to change the whole reason they are here.
  Now don't get me wrong. If an immigrant comes here and works, Pays Taxes and does as they should, I am the first person to stand in line and shake their hand and welcome them here. It is the American dream. Diversity is what makes America great. We all don't just go to Burger Joints. We go to Italian, Chinese, Turkish, Hungarian, and Mexican Restaurants. So we should embrace the other man who earns his way. Im also going on record as saying. If you are born here and sit on your ass and expect the taxpayers and Uncle Sam to take care of you. Your no different then they are. The people that's disabled and retired, that's a different issue. They do not fall under this ideal. The disabled cant help it and the Retired earned their time.
  In closing. As Americans, we live an idea that All PEOPLE are created equal and ALL people can earn a living and be prosperous. Just don't expect a hand out. Expect a hand up. People in General are inherently good. ( ive seen it ) just some lazy. No matter where you come from. Oh I got to go my burrito is here.